Candidate Endorsement Process
The Faith in Place Action Fund endorses candidates in strategic districts in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin who represent our values in their policy work.

Background on the Faith in Place Action Fund
Faith in Place Action Fund's mission is to empower people, clergy, and elected officials to make a positive difference in environmental, economic, and racial justice through political advocacy, legislative education, and grassroots lobbying.
We believe that climate disruption is among the greatest challenges that humanity has ever encountered and we are committed to the moral imperative of preserving and protecting the planet for generations to come.
We advocate for policies that uplift environmental justice, water justice, food justice, climate justice, and economic justice at both the state and federal level.
We support leaders who prioritize climate justice, hold accountable leaders who do not, and work toward policies that make voting easier for all citizens.
How We Build Grassroots Power
Faith in Place Action Fund’s power comes from the people: dedicated individuals who believe in justice, which translates into dedicated supporters for candidates that stand up for these same issues.
Our Endorsement Process
​Strategic Races
Faith in Place Action Fund has chosen strategic races in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin where a potential champion of our Policy Platform may be elected to office.
We focus on races where we believe the involvement of the FIPAF membership will have the greatest impact on the election's outcome. Candidates in those races are sent an endorsement questionnaire based on our Policy Platform.
Endorsement Considerations
The following considerations may be used to guide decisions around endorsing individual candidates:
Policy stances being in alignment with our policy platform
If applicable, a voting record on bills that advance policy platform issues
Demonstrated leadership and support for policy platform issues
Overall viability of the candidate
The ability of the Faith in Place Action Fund to make an impact in the election of the candidate
The Faith in Place Action Fund Team weighs these considerations as we make decisions on which candidates we will endorse.
View our past endorsements and voter guides here.
If you have questions about the Faith in Place Action Fund process, please reach out to Policy Director, Pastor Scott Onqué.