Community Solar Indiana:
Advocacy Resources
Why does Community Solar need Advocacy?
Currently, community solar is not available in Indiana because legislators primarily hear from utilities, not from us. This needs to change! Legislators need to hear from us, their constituents, that we want community solar to be accessible to all.
To make community solar accessible to Hoosiers, state legislators need to take action. In particular, they should:
Mandate that investor-owned utilities connect community solar systems to their grids.
Direct the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission to establish and implement rules ensuring efficient, fair, and transparent implementation.
What can we do? (Three Easy Steps)
1. Send a message to your State Legislators.
2. Become an advocate for Community Solar in your community!
Use our Advocacy Toolkit, which includes downloadable and printable materials to help you spread the word, engage others in advocacy, and prepare for meetings with legislators. In the kit, you'll find:
Factsheets: Perfect for those new to Community Solar or looking to introduce it to others.
Organizing Tools: These tools help you mobilize members of your house of worship or local community to support community solar.
Advocacy 101 Guides: These guides offer tips for finding, contacting, and communicating with your legislators, ideal for those with little to no experience.
And more!
3. Host an advocacy training in your community!
Contact Christine Glaser, Indiana Policy Coordinator at to set up an online or in-person training session!